JDBC Hive Connection fails : Unable to read HiveServer2 uri from ZooKeeper
I have been struggling from couple of days to get my jdbc hive connection working using Zookeeper URI and after putting lot of effort finally I realised problem. In this post I will sharing my experience and steps I took to rectify problem. Notes : I am having a HDP 2.6 sandbox along with my JDBC program . Use case : Many companies does not provide HiveServer2 url for configuring your JDBC string and its important because if your hiveserver goes down , your whole job will abort (You will be missing Hive HA capabilities). So How do I dynamically determine second Hive Server URI ? Solution is to use Zookeeper Service Discovery feature. Zookeepers keeps all HiveServer 2 URI into its namespace. When client tries to make a connection to Hive , Zookeeper will look for available hive server and return URL to client program. You can quickly verify HiveServer namespace in zk Path with below command on HDP. /usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-client/bin/zookeeper-client...