LeetCode | Hard | 1932 Merge BSTs to Create Single BST | Python Solution
- Indentify your root tree from where merging will being .
- Now from remaining trees , apply helper function to merge.
- If final tree is valid BST then return tree else return None.
Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QC5L5W0Lhk
# Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode(object): # def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): # self.val = val # self.left = left # self.right = right class Solution(object): is_merged = False def canMerge(self, trees): """ :type trees: List[TreeNode] :rtype: TreeNode """ if len(trees) == 1: return trees[0] #Find List of Leaf Nodes all_leaves_node = set() for tree in trees : if tree.left : all_leaves_node.add(tree.left.val) if tree.right : all_leaves_node.add(tree.right.val) # Find start point - root node for all other tress root = None for tree in trees: if tree.val not in all_leaves_node: root = tree #If we do not find any root node. if root is None : return None # List of Remaining trees except root node tree list_of_remaining_tree = [] for tree in trees : if tree.val != root.val : list_of_remaining_tree.append(tree) # Dictionary of root node value and tree root_tree_dictionary = {} for tree in list_of_remaining_tree: root_tree_dictionary[tree.val] = tree #Perform Merging of Tree self.helper(root,root_tree_dictionary) # Finally check if it is a valid BST if self.check_valid_bst(root , float('-inf') , float('inf')) \ and len(root_tree_dictionary) == 0: return root else: return None # If not a valid BST then return empty tree def helper(self, root , root_tree_dictionary): if root is None : return None #if root node is found in dictionary then peform merge if root.val in root_tree_dictionary: tree = root_tree_dictionary[root.val] root.left = tree.left root.right = tree.right root_tree_dictionary.pop(root.val) left = self.helper(root.left, root_tree_dictionary) right = self.helper(root.right, root_tree_dictionary) # Function for checking if it is a valid BST def check_valid_bst(self,root, min_value , max_value) : return not root or min_value < root.val < max_value and \ self.check_valid_bst(root.left, min_value, root.val) and \ self.check_valid_bst(root.right, root.val, max_value)
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